The Whole Truth George Washington, The Revolution is Not Over Because the Truth Hurts

The Citizens America Party is a Foundational and Educational Site to Shine the Light on The Three Great Hurts That Are Being Played Out on the World:   The 9/11 Big Lie, the "War on Terror" and Global Zionism which We Consider Simply Non-Human

"Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and show the whole world that a Freeman, contending for liberty on his own ground, is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth" George Washington, 2 July 1776

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The Second American Revolution is When They










Give Up the Game

Israel Did 9/11

"Al-Qaeda" are All the Intelligence Agencies

The Intelligence Agencies Do the Bidding of  the Zionists

The Key and Controlling Zionists are the Rothschild Central Banksters

Who Have Half a TRILLION Dollars of Personal Wealth

(which could feed, clothe and shelter every human being on Earth)

Own all the Gold Reserves

And the Federal Reserve

(money creation and credit control)

And Who Also Control Wall Street

And All Your Politicians

As Well as Your Media

Where They All Make War and Hell of the World
 and All Nations

And People's Lives

That's Why We Reject Zionism Outright

And Why You Need Too

Because the American Forefathers Did With all Their Heart and Soul





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